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Old 11-28-2005, 05:02 PM
creedofhubris creedofhubris is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rochester, NY
Posts: 35
Default 25/50 3-handed, superaggro button: what to do in my SB

I'm not primarily a limit player, and I was stuck a ton and feeling a little woozy last night, so I took the brilliant step of getting involved in a 25/50 game with a very aggressive player sitting to my immediate right. Luckily, the total fish to my left fed both of us.

Anyway, as best as I can figure, the aggro button was raising:

1) any ace or king
2) suited face cards
3) any pair
4) any suited connector
5) any unsuited connector bigger than 76

(since he tended not to show them down, I didn't notice 4) and 5) until later)

He was capping preflop frequently, with, as far as I could tell,

1) QK
2) Ax
3) 77+

Fishy fishy was often three-betting, so a lot of pots went in capped preflop.

These guys are giving lots of postflop action and capping w/ draws on the flop.

How should I proceed from the small blind?

Somewhere I internalized "don't cold call!", so I was hesitant to cold call with unsuited small broadway, small pairs, and suited face cards/suited connectors, but now I'm thinking I gave up a ton of value by folding, say, QTo.
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