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Old 11-23-2005, 08:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Let me know if my thoughts are correct on this session

I wouldnt say I love Axs and suited connectors, I just thought they were worth limping in with. Maybe I was wrong. Like I said in the other post, do you think maybe I limp along too much in general? I know enough not to open limp, or to limp from too early with a weak hand (although occasionaly as you can see I do), but I know I tend to limp with all kinds of weaker hands (Axs, KJ, suited connectors) if I can get away with it.

I think this particular session I tended to not check-raise because I was dealing with calling stations that would of possibly checked along on me, so I didnt want to lose any bets. Also I had the fortune to be in EP almost everytime I was hitting a flop so I only had the choice of betting into everyone or trying to check raise. I dont think I had a lot of chances to raise anyone else because I usually wasnt in LP to be able to do that. (otherwise I certainly would) If Im dealing with an aggressive player that I feel is going to bet (or someone who hit something) I'll check-raise, but if it's just a calling station I usually want to make them pay full price so I dont like to risk it.

I would be curious to see if anyone else thinks I should of made a small profit. That seems a bit out there.

I know now that I misplayed the QQ hand, thanks. But in the process of correcting my play, I dont think in terms of whether it was "HORRIBLE" or not. I try to reason why I made certain decisions and if someone wants to discuss those and maybe point out where Im wrong (in the thinking part of it) that's cool.

And actually as far as check-raising, here is where I am at with it in general. Before I few months ago or so I actually always check raised, but I wasnt doing it to be sneaky it was because I never bet into my hands until I knew if it was ahead or not. So sometimes I would even have top pair, check it, and then by the time it got around to me I would raise because I knew I was ahead (this happened mostly at the casino where I can sniff out this sort of thing).

So anyways what I noticed is that I constantly was playing in this manner which really is sort of a reactive way of playing and not really aggressive. Which I think was costing me tons of money. (especially considering Im playing loose players that probally would of just called my bets anyway) Also it was very predictable and if they werent complete morons everyone knew what I had and folded.

So now I bet from early position more, not even so much just because I have the best hand but even if I have any piece of it. I think it's actually a good strategy in general but I admit Im probally taking it completely too far in the other direction from what I was doing before and perhaps there is some happy medium.
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