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Old 11-21-2005, 09:08 PM
TheWorstPlayer TheWorstPlayer is offline
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Default Cause of Mason\'s change of heart in MHNL

Some of you may have noticed this thread in MHNL started by Mason Malmouth. It is long. Quick synopsis: Mason has a point of view different from the people he is playing with. They don't understand his point of view. He posts the situation, their point of view, and his point of view. No one in the MHNL agrees with his point of view. Much discussion occurs. Mason insists that his point of view is correct several times. Many days go by without his posting. He finally posts again. People are unsatisfied with his post. He finally posts one final time to admit that he was wrong.

What happened behind the scenes to convince him to make this final post? Did he finally just admit to himself that he was wrong? Did he finally realize that he was wrong? Did someone show him that he was wrong? Did someone convince him to make this post? Let's hear news, views, and gossip on this topic.
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