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Old 11-05-2003, 08:14 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Dissent during Troubled Times

I'd point out that neither Bush nor his administration is seeking to limit the ability to dissent. Maybe you guys will try to pin that one on him too. Neither is Congress, neither is the Federal Judiciary. Don't know about all governments at the state and city level but in New Mexico that's certainly the case i.e. that state and local government isn't trying to limit dissent to Bush policies anyway. The Democrats are going down in 2004 none the less.

Might as well answer a couple of other posts here as well. Regarding "honest" politicians, it's highly subjective as to what an "honest" politician is. Nobody is totally honest so I think that the original post was silly and meaningless without stated objective criteria for evaluating honesty. The Democrats are going down in 2004 none the less.

As far as deliberate administration lies, why not lie about the evidence you find regarding WMD's i.e. why all of the sudden transform yourself from a compulsive lier to a compulsive truth teller to embarass yourself? Doesn't make much sense to me. Again I'd point out that Clinton basically stated the same things that Bush did about the Iraqi threat. So if Bush is deliberately lying, Clinton did too. I came up with a "prisoners dilemna" choice matrix regarding Clinton and Bush regarding Iraq WMD's. Perhaps sometime I'll share it. Allright I already know the drill. The Bush administration is actually lying about what they've found in Iraq and there's a conspiracy afoot to convince the American people that stockpiles of WMD's actually have been uncovered in Iraq. The Democrats are going down in 2004 none the less.

As far as rap musicians go. It was pointed out to me that "gangsta" rap was a fad in rap music and there is very little of this type of rap music being produced today. Also regarding rap musicians shooting each other, there has never been a conviction, let alone a trial where a rap musiciam was accused of killing another rap musician in the states. Not sure if this is true, just passing along what I've been told. It was also pointed out to me that P. Diddy participated in a marathon race on Sunday and raised over $2 million for charity. The Wall Street Journal's leading editorial yesterday was defending P. Diddy and how his designer line of clothes was manufactured if you will. It pointed out that the Honduran workers in question actually worked in quite humane facillities and that the unions admitted that they knew basically nothing about the conditions of the workers in Honduras manufacturing his line of clothes. Then maybe P. Diddy is more hip hop than rap, I don't know.

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