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Old 11-02-2003, 03:18 AM
Angel Angel is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 25
Default Re: Maximum streak/winning percentage?


Well, we aren't getting alot of traffic on this post so I'll thank you for your response and I'll open myself up for flames in an effort to get this going. I played a total of 28 sessions in October on 20 seperate days. I play two shorter sessions per day twice a week when I have a hotel room to go to. I have only 2 sessions over 6 hours - neither of them had be behind at the 6 hour mark - I stayed because the game was becoming better faster than my stamina was declining. In the 28 sessions I have 28 wins. So I'm going to suppose that the max streak is somewhat in excess of 28. I choose my games carefully and play limited sessions when I am at my peak but do not consider myself extraordinary at the table and am not trying to imply otherwise. I am not suggesting anything by these numbers - I am simply curious how max 'max' is.
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