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Old 11-13-2005, 05:33 PM
astroglide astroglide is offline
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Default Re: Apple System - Need Advice

the ram is likely a waste. buy it aftermarket when you need it. i wouldn't buy the warranty either, but isn't their standard warranty 90 days? pretty weak. the devices seem to hold up fine, but people have MASSIVE problems with the clips holding the lid shut. moreso on powerbooks than ibooks as i understand it. look on ebay and you'll probably see a million things regarding them.

i know 2 people with powerbooks. one has had their latches warranty-replaced like 4 times now from apple and the in-house techs told them it's a rampant problem and accounts for the lion's share of their warranty work. the other one broke too and he bought some kind of $50 3rd-party steel ones on ebay because he had heard that replacing them with factory ones would just mean another eventual failure.

not trying to scare you with this, just relaying what i know. they are only latches for what it's worth, and i would think this would be a top priority for apple in terms of solving the problem on newer models.

afaik the intels aren't due out until "sometime in 2006".
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