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Old 11-11-2005, 12:15 PM
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Default Dannenmann\'s gift to Hellmuth at TOC

I don't remember seeing this in the Cardplayer report of the event and haven't seen it mentioned here:

Steve Dannenmann had his own prank in store for Hellmuth. Knowing that the telecast will air on Christmas Eve, Dannenmann presented Hellmuth with a colorfully wrapped holiday gift. Hellmuth was shocked. Encouraged to open the gift by the audience, Hellmuth unwrapped his box like a 4-year-old and pulled out a doll resembling a donkey. The audience roared. Even Hellmuth cracked a smile. Ironically, the jovial spirit which characterized the Hellmuth-Dannenmann relationship early would become increasingly poisonous from that moment forward.

That is going to be great to see on TV!!
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