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Old 10-28-2003, 10:30 AM
Ted Geisel Ted Geisel is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 353
Default Is it possible to screen out all posts with XYZ or XYZey as a subject

Is there some setting that can be used to screen out all posts which use Stu or Stuey in the Subject ? Just a personal preference, but there are much more interesting things to read/discuss than what everyone today things of a guy who most of the posters never knew, who died short stacked in a sleazy motel, but who, paradoxically perhaps, may have been the best in the world at something.

What next, an appearance on Larry King for Ryan21 ? ("You never knew The Kid, Ryan21, but tell us what it was like reading asbout him while you were growing up.)

The matter has been, with apologies to Bob Crane, beaten to death.

Hey, why not get into the poker wisdom of Vince Van Patten or Ben Affleck ?
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