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Old 11-07-2005, 03:54 AM
revlis87 revlis87 is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 46
Default I have NO idea where to post this and it doesn\'t concern poker

Please move this to the correct forum if this isnt cool.

I am a student at U. of Michigan Ann Arbor. I am also 18 years old. Last night I went to a party, had a few beers, and was hanging out with a female. She was extremely drunk, so i decided it would be best if i took her back to the dorm (she lives in my hall). As we got out of the taxi, she threw up. I then sat with her for 30 mins out side our dorm while she tried to feel better. About 30 mins in, a cop came out and noticed the situation. She had puke on her but I was perfectly sober - i doubt i couldnt have played pokeer at normal capacity or done ANYTHING i normally do perfectly. The cop called for several other cops to come and they gave the girl an MIP (minor in possession). This can be anything from having unopened alchohol in the car tohaving an empty beer can in your room to just acting drunk. Then, the officer asked mee if i had anything to drink. I told him respectfully that I had a few beers but that I was in no way drunk. He proceeded to write me an MIP. I now have a court date on tuesday.

My questions are as follows:

I was not read my miranda rights - and the officer didnt seem to haev a reason to ask me the question. How was I supposed to know that what i said would have been held against me?

What is my best defense when i go in front of the judge? that i was helping someone?

How would you guys approach this one. I dont want to have to pay $250, take classses etc.

Let me know your thoughts (or questions).
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