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Old 11-03-2005, 11:20 AM
Indiana Indiana is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 69
Default Give up or stab at the flop/turn???? My dilemma with LIMIT holdem

Many thanks in advance for viewing this thread. Im a NL player and I've heard many say that NL is harder than Limit, but I think it just depends on the situation. One situation I've really struggled with is what to do with an "Anna Kournakova" type of hand after raising before the flop. Do I need to continue or slow down??? Here are two examples. What would you do for each hand?
Hand #1:

10/20 game at the Bellagio. I raise it up with AK spades in MP behind two early limpers. The button and the two limpers come along. The pots got $95 in it and four players. The flop comes down J 8 4 all diamonds and its checked to me. What do I do?

Hand #2:
Another 10/20 game, Indiana riverboat. Again two players limp in EP and this time I raise it up in EP with AJ spades. The CO seat and two limpers call. Again there is $95 in the pot and 4 players. Flop comes down Kh 8s 4c for a nice rainbow. Its checked to me, what do I do?

Just not sure how to proceed in limit with this many players in with me.

Thanks again in advance,

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