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Old 11-03-2005, 03:48 AM
ethan ethan is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: los angeles
Posts: 237
Default Re: I take WAY too many showers and I can\'t stop...

I average one right now, usually in the evening after I get back from the gym. I'm about to have an actual (9-5) job, which'll probably bring the average up to two.

Since last Thursday, however, I've had to cut back. Friday morning around 5am one of the two glass doors on my shower shattered, apparently of its own accord. I was at my desk 20 feet away, no one else was in my apartment, no earthquake...nothing. I basically hadn't moved during the previous six hours since I'd just picked up Civ4. The glass just fell apart. Figure around 12-13 square feet of glass broke into 0.5in^2 pieces, weighing somewhere around 30 pounds total.

This made a _lot_ of noise. I'd never heard of anything like this happening, and neither had my building manager, but the people who install the showers say it just happens from time to time. The glass was 2" deep in some parts of my tub, so now I'm sort of nervous about stepping back in there.
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