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Old 10-30-2005, 03:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Need analysis of my overall game

I have always been a ring game player and MTT player, just decided to take a crack at the so called cash cow at the Party SNG's, I have only about 80 games so far so the sample is small I know, but my results are odd enough I think that perhaps some analysis is in order. I suppose the most relevant statistics are these:

1st: 15%
2nd: 5%
3rd: 0%
4th: 12%
5th: 19%

Clearly, this is not going to make me a living anytime soon if it's the best I can do. I just think it's really odd that I almost always get first when I do place, and that I bust out in 5th almost as often as I make the money. Does this indicate I am too aggressive on the bubble area?

My basic strategy is the super tight only play QQ KK AA and AK for raises early on, just limp my PP's, never call more than 1/15th my stack with them looking for sets, then on the bubble I open raise all in with the top 50% of hands.

I notice, though, that i'm very very regularly super short stacked on the bubble as a result of that strategy. So, is any advice available on this little information or do I just assume i'm playing right and it's just variance? Not having any prior success at the SNG's, i'm pretty paranoid that i'm going about it all wrong and need to alter my game drastically in some way.
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