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Old 10-27-2005, 04:06 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I throw myself at the mercy of the MTT forum. Help an old pooh-ba

It's been said, but it really is all about going for broke rather than just trying to squeak in.. Now when I bust early I'm okay with it because I made a move that could have put me in a good spot..because tournament structures really only favor like the FT.. all the other places just barely get your money back or give you like 20 dollars back for 4 hours work.. so might as well go for it..

In regards to opening up your game, I still recommend tight early/middle.. gap concept all that stuff, then open up late or if you have a bigger stack or when nobody has opened the pot.. lots of stealing late when people are playing uber-tight on the bubble/just past the bubble, just have to find good situations.

All that said, my MTT game sucks too, but will try to get it goin in November.
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