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Old 10-27-2005, 03:54 PM
ZBTHorton ZBTHorton is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 56
Default Re: I throw myself at the mercy of the MTT forum. Help an old pooh-ba

I went through the same thing a couple of months ago, and came to the same conclusion that I think you are realizing.

Sometimes, you just have to play more hands.

As we all know, the whole key to getting a 'big cash' is having a big stack. You don't get a big stack by playing 14% of your flops, and checking when your AK misses.

Open up your game. When you call a raise in the blinds, lead it out with less than normal. Steal, steal, steal. Late in tournaments, be one of those guys who pushes almost any two from the button when folded to. Call w/ position with suited connectors, suited one gappers, etc.

I know some people may disagree with some of this stuff, but placing 120th in the 11R doesn't mean crap. I finished 180th in the 40K last night for a profit of 11$. It means nothing. It's all about the big stack. It's all about going deep. It's all about no fear, because if you play scared, you will continue to barely eeek into the money.
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