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Old 10-25-2005, 11:08 AM
phlup phlup is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Northern VA
Posts: 26
Default Re: Any Runners out there?

I guess you're still in school so you have a pretty wide window when you can get a run in. There really isn't a "good" time to go running. Your best bet is to keep it consistent and go at the same time every day. If you can set a time and stick to it it will help you keep running every day. Otherwise you'll always be tempted to say "oh, I'll go in an hour or two". And yeah, you never go in an hour or two. There's always a beer pong game that needs to be attended to or the Simpson’s comes on or whatever.

As a student you might just want to get your ass out of bed a little earlier. Once you graduate you'll have to be up a lot earlier than noon 5 days a week. Hell in college I rowed crew and was up at 4:15am so I know you can get out of bed at 11 and be ok.

As for your late night idea...I personally could never make it work. I'd always get hungry and eat dinner and then couldn't run for a few hours and by then its dark and I'd need to study or whatever. But if you can make it work, then go for it.
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