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Old 10-24-2005, 05:39 AM
scott8 scott8 is offline
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Default I\'m buying 2 kittens this week

I have relied on some of the advice in a previous thread on cats and have decided to take the plunge into the world of pet owner.

The decision for 2 was based more on the notion that two cats would be better for each other, than actually wanting 2 cats. Although, I don't think I'll mind.

I aim to seek out siblings, probably both female, around 10-12 weeks old.

They will be fixed (I think its required anyway), I will never declaw, although they will probably just be inside cats (although I may not fully appreciate the ramifactions of such a decision).

I have used petfinder to find a bunch of kittens available, and will probably pursue this angle.

It seems to be some sort of shelter/foster program where they rescue pets which were about to be killed and give them another chance.

I have no intention of buying from a pet store or a breeder.

I'm not sure if there is anything else I should be considering, but I would appreciate any advice or tips.

As of now, I own nothing cat-related, but plan on visiting the pet store tomorrow.

Thanks in advance,

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