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Old 10-22-2005, 09:48 PM
RED FACE RED FACE is offline
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Posts: 125
Default 100NL full ring. How to bluff?

I'm not talking about preflop or on the flop stealing.

eg: you limp pre in early position. later position makes a standard raise and you call(maybe one other call too. you miss and check, pfr bets close to pot(flop has A or K on it), folded to you...

How do you run a bluff at this point?

you call and check raise turn all in on non scare card?


you size raise pfr and push any turn?

or what?

Yeah I know, depends on opponent, etc. Feel free to speak in general terms.

Or does no one ever do this?

I just moved from 50NL to 100 and while still profitable my sense is that I need to make some changes by adding some more bluffing of medium pots. I'd never do this at the 50's.
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