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Old 10-21-2005, 07:20 AM
Asim Asim is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 98
Default 10k PT stat check (first time)

well, i finally broke the 10k mark, mind you, its from a few diff limits... its kinda a milestone hehe, and congrats woudl be nice! thanks lol.. plz help me out with the leaks, i know there are some... (is the amt of BB lost on BB proportionate or am i defending too much)

some questions:

1) the numbers incl my pre-flop aggro, but am I too aggressive, if i take the PF aggro out, it bumps up to 3.03 i believe, which is i believe a little loco... how exactly do you suggest i bring that down? I do hit some really nice hands worth capping hehe

2) my WTSD% seems low, but i am having difficulty raising it w/o feeling like i am dumping chips, how do I improve that?

3) basically, when ppl tell me what i have to improve, I find it difficult to actually implement it b/c it feels like spewing chips, any tips on actually improving would be helpful, ty

i hope im not doing too badly, grill away! thanks.. this forum has really changed my game and made me a better player... best move ever was showing up here thanks dudes
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