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Old 10-18-2005, 03:17 PM
etgryphon etgryphon is offline
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Default Re: Is it really a smart move???

I had a long drive this morning and was thinking about the Harriet Miers nomination (on my way to Middle-of-freaking-nowhere, IL.) Could the nomination be a smart political move, with no real down-side for Bush?

Scenario 1: Meirs gets confirmed. Bush wins. He gets a nominee who he can trust, who is a friend, and who holds similar beliefs (presumably) as the President.

Scenario 2: Meirs gets a No vote, now Bush appoints the most conservative person he can finds and re-starts the media campaign about how the liberals aren't letting him exercise his constitutional powers. How they are unfair, etc., etc. Bush wins as he would probably be able to pass through a more conservative nominee because Miers was rejected and the liberals wouldn't be able to politically reject two consecutive supreme court nominees.

I haven't thought it through, but it made sense at 5:30 this morning in the middle of corn-country.

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Scenerio 3: Bush has just given Roberts 2 votes on the Supreme Court. Miers is a reasonably blank slate when it comes to constitutional law with conservative leanings. She seems to be resourceful in aligning with powerful driven leaders. She gets her constitutional education from Roberts and plays ball. She seems very adaptive to people. Bush really likes Roberts and now he has given him 2 votes.

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