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Old 10-18-2005, 01:22 PM
Dominic Dominic is offline
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Default Re: Calling 1 bet on the river and Time weighted EV

interesting...and I'm always learning stuff from your posts...but how does all this help me make the decision on whether to call or fold?

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by releasing you from the poor feelings of costing yourself "a pot" when you fold. if you dont tilt and are capable of playing "semi robot like" then a fold when its close may be better than a call b/c the Pr(winning the pot | pot size and previous actions) doesn't quite warrant the call.

it doesn't help us arrive at the correct decision b/c only logic, hand reading etc. can do that. it DOES, however, help us execute the correct decision.

how many times have you been at the river closing the action for 1 bet and say "well, its only 1 bet so if i fold i may cost myself the pot but if i call i may win the pot so i'll call" even though a call would likely be -EV, albeit slightly so???


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I rarely have a problem folding for one bet if there's an overcall before I'm to act, but you're right, I do sometimes call someones' river bet or raise based solely on the "one bet/whole pot" theory...even if the board and his actions up to that point make me conclude that I am beat. I really feel I am costing myself many BBs this way.

It's especially prevelant in the 10-20 and/or 20-40 games I play, because I'm scared of getting pushed off a hand, even though everything in my being is screaming, "YOU'RE BEAT!"

It's odd that I have an easier time folding in smaller games than that.
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