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Old 10-09-2003, 04:45 PM
AmericanAirlines AmericanAirlines is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 699
Default Re: To go pro or not, and where?

Hi 2ndGoat,
After 20 years of IT, B.S. in Comp Sci and I'm not making "$100,000 a year" in IT, I can agree, IT can suck totally if you don't happen to have the current, in demand, high paying skill set. Even if you did, it's burnout city.
So do this.
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>1. As others have suggested, keep your current job.
2. Ease into Pro Poker and establish you really can:
a. earn a living at it
b. not burn out on it
c. can stand the Casino environment 40+ hours a week
d. put up with the swings even a winning player
experiences, and its affects on you.
e. Can deal with a "cash only" existence since you
won't be able to get mortages, car loans etc.
3. If (2) works out for you go pro
4. If (2) doesn't work out for you... plan on career change:
a. Chase something you really want to do. Say
fly jets or whatever.
b. Finish the job of your education and get and
advanced degree that leads to an independant
profession (doctor, laywer etc. I.e. avoid being
a corp. "resource" unit... unless you can get
an Ivy League MBA and join the corp. ruling
class and manipulate drones... er ah "resources".)
c. Accept that life sux for worker bees and
drone on. Get married to a gal who was "convenient,
accidentally have kids, run up the credit cards,get
divorced and so on...</pre><hr />

But do anything not to get trapped in the middle working class suck hole that 95% are in. In 20 years you'll thank me.


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