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Old 10-09-2005, 07:03 AM
Yeknom58 Yeknom58 is offline
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Default Re: This will turn out to be a good thing for us

Nothing will change in the short term..this is bad for the long term..if you enjoy non-party sites this is probably a good thing.

This will only be good if it increases my profitability. This can be done in a basically two ways, you might split hairs but it really boils down to the following:
1. Rake is lowered (rakebake, bonuses, actually lowering the rake taken, etc).
2. The games get better. Ratio of good to bad players changes.

As far as I can tell the following is true:
1. The rake will only go up.
2. The addition of -ev bets will cause the bad players to go broke faster.
3. The loss of the skins lowers the total player base. I don't think the ratio of good/bad players will change so this isn't an immediate bad thing but the smaller player pool will cause the "goodness" of the games to be less sustainable over a giver time period.
4. The ability to over 4 table is probably bad for the worse players.

So in'll have less players to exploit...4+ tabling causes the bad players to go broke faster...the addition of -ev bets causes the bad players to go broke faster...So in the short run I think NOTHING will change..but in the long run this can only be bad (For the party players).
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