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Old 10-01-2003, 10:36 AM
Gamblor Gamblor is offline
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Default LOL Best Arafat Article ever

Folks, here's the winner
This one, despite the obvious truths therein, actually presents the possibility of him being homosexual!

UN double standards

How one cringes to watch the world condemn Israel for threatening to expel Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. The hypocrisy is almost sickening.

Arab states have routinely shot their own people and tortured and murdered dissident leaders.

Nations such as France are known to have killed people in far away countries, merely because they oppose Paris' nuclear policy.

Britain's SAS eliminated opponents in Northern Ireland in secret missions.

Russia's record speaks for itself. With few exceptions, every country condescendingly opposing Israel has used deadly force as a means of foreign policy.

Imagine for a moment if any of them had a sponsor and supporter of the mass murder of their own people living just a few kilometres from their offices?

But then, Israel being a victim of the crude double standards of the United Nations is nothing new.

In fact, Israel could have eliminated Arafat several times over the years. When the PLO was chased out of Lebanon by the Israeli Army, a special forces sniper was ready to kill Arafat as he boarded his ship.

The order from Menachem Begin never came. The Israeli prime minister, it seemed, was willing to give Arafat another chance. If this assassination had taken place, nobody could have proved it was the Israelis who had committed it.

Arafat and his people were hated by many in Lebanon. Palestinian terrorists had bullied and battered their way through Christian as well as Sunni and Shiite Muslim society and, frankly, have never been popular where they have set up corrupt, violent regimes. This is why they were forced out of Jordan in 1970.

Arafat has always set the style of how his administration would behave. The former head of the Romanian security service, Ion Mihai Pacepa, wrote of Arafat and his close relationship with the Soviet powers:

"An incredible account of fanaticism ... of tangled oriental political manoeuvres, of lies, of embezzled PLO money in Swiss banks, and of homosexual relationships, beginning with his teacher when he was a teenager and with his current bodyguards."

(Some counter-terrorism experts who have profiled Arafat reject these reports of homosexuality.)

Regarding the millions of dollars given to the Palestinian people by various nations, questions have long been asked as to where it has gone. Certainly most of it has not gone to the people of the West Bank and Gaza. Yet Arafat and his friends drove around in expensive cars and enjoyed a life of luxury.

A 2002 report ranked Arafat as the world's sixth wealthiest political leader, with a personal fortune of some $400 million. As to where he hides his money, even his closest friends do not know.

Nor is the man a moderate. He has constantly referred to themes of blood, death, killing and destruction. He has done nothing to prevent the recruitment of suicide bombers and even encourages them.

His Palestinian Authority schools teach luridly anti-Semitic material and the PA television system lauds suicide bombers as being in paradise.

He has constantly refused to meaningfully condemn Hamas, including its military wing, and refuses to recognize Israel as the Jewish state. Important this.

Some Arab leaders do, after generations of trying to wipe it out, recognize Israel's existence. But none will call it the land of the Jewish people.

Yet the world continues to embrace him as a man of peace, even though his sponsorship of terrorism against civilians has been repeatedly documented.

He likes to call himself a "general" and has a fetish for carrying around sub-machineguns and pistols.

Honesty, of course, has never been the man's strongest quality. The Syrian defence minister called him the "Son of 60,000 whores," and when once asked why he lies so much, Arafat replied, "I would kill for Palestine, so you don't want me to lie for Palestine?"

Would he die for Palestine? Well, he encouraged suicide bombers by stating, "Please, God, give me the honour of being one of the holy Jerusalem martyrs." But unlike his arch-enemy, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, he has managed to avoid any hand-to-hand combat and deadly firefights with armed opponents. Quite the leader. Quite the man. Quite the movement.

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