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Old 10-01-2003, 04:58 AM
youtalkfunny youtalkfunny is offline
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Default Which of those celebs would you like to stake?

I'd back Pollack over all those guys. Too bad he's the announcer!

Bring in Affleck, and Bruce Willis, too. Pollack would crush 'em all!

Come to think of it, an early episode of "The West Wing" (my favorite tv show EVER!) showed the gang playing a hand of stud. Allison Janney was dealing--you know, the typical "home game dealer", calling every up-card as it lands, "...a club for Josh, nine no help, and the dealer gets another four!"

Anyway, the girl didn't look like this was her first time holding a deck of cards. Anybody remember how she dealt her own sixth card? Holding the deck in her left hand (as most dealers do), she didn't push the top card with her left thumb--she PULLED it off the front edge of the deck with her left index finger, making the card STAND UP, before falling off, face up, onto the table. SMOOTH AS SILK.

I don't watch the WPT, but I'll probably watch this crappy show, just to see which "West Wing" actor gets the bragging rights. My trifecta:

1. Alison Janney (I'm also a Boston Bruins fan, and can't help but think, every time her name is mentioned, that the best centers the Bruins had in my younger days were Jason ALLISON and Craig JANNEY)

2. Richard Schiff (He's got a street-smarts sort of presence, and NO, I'm not referring to his character on the show here!)

3. Martin Sheen (He's the oldest, and the oldest guy in a poker game always seems to do well.)
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