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Old 10-03-2005, 11:53 PM
mlagoo mlagoo is offline
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Posts: 811
Default OT: Poker as a temporary/summer job, advice needed

Hi guys,

I was looking forward to this summer, and had a few questions.

First off, a bit of background: I'm currently a little bit into my first year of law school. It occurs to me that after I graduate from law school, I'm going to get a job at some firm, start grinding out 60-70 hours a week, and am never again (until I'm an old fart) going to have a long period of time to just travel and sort of "find myself."

I've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel around Europe a fair bit. However, I've never had the opportunity to travel around this country. And I think I'd like to do so.

So I was thinking I'd like to get a 30-day rail pass and freakin see the States. And I thought what many people before me have likely thought. -- I've got a laptop, so I can make money from anywhere playing poker on the internet.

You're probably bored already, so I'll get to the questions:

Probably most important question: I've only played about 700 SNGs, at the $11/$22 level. My ROI is a very underwhelming 15%. I acknowledge the fact that I definitely have leaks. The question is: Can I believe that I'm a winning player to the extent that I could use it as a job for a month, bearing in mind that, if things really get ugly (and I get desperate), my parents can absolutely bail me out and get me a plane ticket back?

Is there any way to take rail around the US in a railcar that has wireless internet access as you travel? I've looked and not found any.

Has anyone done something like this before? If so, did you enjoy it? What things should I expect, etc.?

Another important question: Assuming I wanted to play the $22s as I traveled, what would be a proper bankroll, bearing in mind I could only 4-table and bearing in mind I would be cashing out intermittently to pay for stuff?

To any law students/attorneys out there: Am I making a big fuss out of nothing? Will I have plenty of time to travel before I become an old grump?

I can't think of any other questions off the top of my head. I might as I (hopefully) get a couple responses here.
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