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Old 09-25-2005, 12:14 AM
ackid ackid is offline
Join Date: May 2005
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Posts: 87
Default Re: FILM: Favourite film moment, ever?

Great Post. It's hard to decide, so many great films over the past 3 decades.

Some off the dome....

1. The last scene in Alien where Ripley's the last one left and has 20 mins. to evacuate and blow the ship.

2. Mad Max, last scene where he handcuffs kids ankle to a tractor trailor and sets a time bomb near the rig. He drops a hacksaw and says " The bomb will go off in ten minutes if your lucky you can hack through your ankle in five". and drives off.

3. Game of Death- When Bruce Lee reaches top of pagoda and fights Kahreem too the death.

4. Wait Until Dark- When Audrey Hepburn knocks out lights at the end and battles burglar, She's blind the last scene is 10 mins of total darkness.

5. When a stranger calls- The calls are coming from inside the house!

6.The scene in Jaws were they see the shark for the first time. Where Brodie says " Your gonna need a bigger boat".

7. The last Scene in "Saw". I've heard alot of people say it was lame but It caught me off guard and people in the movie were freaking out.

8. I kind of like the part in "Shawn of the Dead" when there trying to get to the pub and they act like goofy zombies to evade mass of undead gathered in front of the bar. Then at the end he playing xbox with his friend (whos now a zombie) and keeps him chained and gaged in a shed in the backyard.

9. The transformation scene in "American Werewolf in London".

Damn Brain Freeze......
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