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Old 09-24-2005, 05:24 AM
dibbs dibbs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: east coast
Posts: 39
Default Re: Getting all in with the worst of it

I've been interested in what I call "bad dubs" for a long time, that is, nailing good hands against really good hands. When I suffer prolonged periods of bad beats where I got my money in as the favorite, I dont care and I'm happy. But when I have a night where I got a lot of money in as a dog against really big or improbable hands, I start to question myself.

I think the best thing to do is just post hands and view them in a vacuum. if through discussion you realize you could have saved some money, remember the hand and don't do it again. If it's the consensus that you played the hand fine, don't worry about it, and realize that sometimes lots of these pots will happen in a row.
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