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Old 09-21-2005, 07:26 PM
Hamish McBagpipe Hamish McBagpipe is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Stealing Food From Employers

I know a guy who works at a grocery chain's local warehouse where he picks the orders for the trucks that go to the stores. He wears an apron over his clothes and inside the warehouse it is air-conditioned and refridgerated. So, they don't notice that he is wearing a rope around his neck. Every day he hooks like half a dozen steaks onto the rope underneath his clothes and walks by security that only checks bags. He then tries to sell them on the street outside his apartment. What a goddamn skid.

When I put myself through school I worked as a waiter during the summer at a fancy joint. There were only a few incidents. But one time I remember...I was out all day, didn't eat, customer pissed me off, tray with his beef wellington was on my shoulder bringing it between the kitchen and the dining room. Craned my neck over while walking. CHOMP!
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