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Old 09-17-2005, 05:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Finish in 4th, 25% of the time. Bubble play too loose?

Sorry I don't have any records of my play, but I'll try to save some of them for future reference.

I've been landing ITM about 43% of the time, which is a HUGE improvement from my previous play. However, as the title states, I'm busting out in 4th about 25% of the time, which is the position I finish the most frequently in. I usually don't have too much of a problem getting to the bubble, but I'm usually short-ish stacked. (500-800 chips)

I've been going into push/fold mode when it's 4 handed with hands like Q8s, or KJo, or A-rag in SB or button when there are no other callers/raisers.

In general, is this the correct way to play?

Thanks a ton for any help!
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