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Old 09-14-2005, 10:20 PM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: Poker is illegal in the US

Well....there are SOME states where legislation has been passed SPECIFICALLY outlawing online-gambling.

Nevada is one of them believe it or not (and Indiana and Louisiana are a couple of others I believe).

Obviously the big casinos in Nevada have their logic where they would prefer that online-gambling is NOT legal as to encourage th gamblers to get out to the casinos (although many have argued that the MORE you gamble, the more you might be wanting to try it live..something like that).

There was a thread in the B&M forum a few weeks ago.
There was a picture of a guy at the Wynn poker-room in Las Vegas. He had his laptop on a table or desk BEHIND the poker-table. He was standing at the laptop and playing 4-tables there...while also playing the live table of 15/30 in front of him.

Others have said that they have seen this same guy.
Obviously the Wynn actually allows this (which surprised the hell out of me).

I thought it was even more interesting considering the fact that his internet-gambling is technically illegal there (more illegal than in other parts of the country anyway).
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