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Old 09-13-2005, 06:52 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Sklansky\'s Intelligence Weighting as it Relates to God

Sklansky has convinced me (and probably a few other former doubters), on the importance of intelligence. I have totally conceded that an intelligent person is more apt to be correct and succeed at almost any human endeavor. However, there is one thing I am still struggling with, and that is the relevance of human intelligence with respect to God, the universe, and everything.

Clearly, even the most intelligent human beings are very far from understanding all the laws of nature and the universe. M theory is still in its infancy. Quantum mechanics is riddled with problems. Extremely intelligent people are wrestling with concepts of parallel universes which seem about as far fetched to some and God does to Sklansky (although I am now more willing to put my money on an intelligent person who says there are parallel universes, than I would be a non-intelligent person who says there is a God). However,

Since man knows very little about the universe, how it works, how it started, if there was a beginning, or if there is an end, it seems to me that there is not a significant difference between the varying degrees of intelligence in humans. At least not on a cosmic scale. Or put another way... When it comes to lifting a 99 ton weight off the ground, there is very little difference between the strongest people and the weakest.

So can someone explain why intelligence is any different? When it comes to understanding the universe, even the most intelligent people are extremely primitive and not that much better off than non-intelligent people in the grand scheme of things. That they can understand very complex physic equations is all well and good, but we are seeking answers that dwarf these capabilities on such a grand scale as to render these accomplishments all but meaningless (for now)!

So philosophically speaking (and philisophical is as close as we can get for now), why should we place so much more significance that intelligent people tend not to believe in God?
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