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Old 09-12-2005, 03:25 PM
SonofJen SonofJen is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 5
Default Celebrity Poker - A Lesson in Tells

I was flipping through the channels over the weekend and stumbled upon Celebrity Poker on Bravo, a show I've seen before but never really gave too much attention to. Anyway, I started watching it a bit and was amazed at how many classic (as well as not-so-classic) tells were exhibited in those tournaments. Granted, they are not professional poker players but I think that is where the value of watching this show from time to time comes from. It could almost pass as a "practice" video for Mike Caro's book on poker tells. And what I found interesting was that a lot of times the people on these shows are actors yet they still wear their tells (mostly falling under the broad category strong means weak and weak means strong) "like signs around their necks." So, the next time you're channel surfing looking for some "real" poker, don't immediately write off Celebrity Poker. Rather, use it as a visual reminder for those classic poker tells that the general population seems to inherently display.
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