Thread: 2 Movie Reviews
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Old 09-10-2005, 03:50 PM
Reef Reef is offline
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Default 2 Movie Reviews

So I went movie hopping last night..

Excorcism of Emily Rose
In an extremely rare decision, the Catholic Church officially recognized the demonic possession of a 19 year-old college freshman. Told in flashbacks, 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' chronicles the haunting trial of the priest accused of negligence resulting in the death of the young girl believed to be possessed and the laywer who takes on the task of defending him.

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I thought this was a pretty good film considering it was a horror/suspense flick. The scares were predictably thrown in like a light switch ... on and off, on and off between court room scenes. Overall, a 7 out of 10.

Brothers Grimm
Brothers Jake and Will Grimm, renowned collectors of folklore, have made a career out of traveling from village to village pretending to rid them of "enchanted" creatures. Their bluff is called, however, when they are forced by Napoleon's French government to investigate a haunted forest where girls have been disappearing mysteriously. What they discover leads to a series of adventures involving an actual evil (and immortal) sorceress that mirrors that of mythology and the fables that the Brothers Grimm would eventually become famous for.

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Ugh, this movie went far below my expectations. It seemed to lack the magic that this type of story should have. I don't recommend seeing unless you're pretty baked. Overall 5 stars out of 10.
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