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Old 09-11-2001, 12:22 AM
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Default Re: more tipping stuff


I absolutely concur with your comments to G. Ed regarding the significance of this discussion. Tipping is a very strategic concept when you consider how it can affect your hourly rate, especially in the lower limit games. This is one of many reasons the pundits advise the burgeoning player to try and move up in limits.

I respect your opinion regarding your stance on tightwads, however, I wouldn't go so far as saying there is an overwhelming distaste of tightwads among other players. Certainly, one would expect that dealer/players would unanamously agree, but I think there are a significant amount of regular grinders who really could care less what their peers tipping habits are. I actually salivate a bit over those that overtip, simply because I feel they are not "serious" about their game and winning. As far as the "tightwads" go, as long as they treat the dealers pleasantly, I have no axe to grind.
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