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Old 09-10-2001, 01:47 PM
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Default Re: more tipping stuff

"Is this subject really important enough to discuss ad nauseum? I come here to discuss ideas conceived to let me compete with the best players in the world, not to figure out how to psychologically justify being a tight-wad. "

Ad nausem, perhaps not. However, it's a controversial subject, and such subjects usually bring about many opinions and much debate. Like John Feeney's AQ test. TONS of debate, huge threads, many spin-off threads, etc ad nauseum... And how many times do you REALLY have the opportunity to actually apply the strategies discussed in the AQo test? Tipping however, comes up on every hand in which you win a pot. And it does have an effect on your bottom line, though I feel this effect is not enough to swing you from winner to loser, unless you were already a borderline loser. And such discussions won't help you decide whether to reraise or fold on the turn. But tipping does influence the overall quality of poker games everywhere, so it does need to be discussed.

Tightwads who need psychological justification for their stiffing should find that they mostly meet resistance and unpleasant responses. Good for them, because I am a proponent of tipping.

Dave in Cali

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