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Old 09-06-2005, 04:09 PM
AZK AZK is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 48
Default Re: Moreover

Yes, you are right, limping in with Q6s only costs 1 bb out of your 200bbs, come back to me when your Q high flush gets stacked by Kxs or you get stacked on a 66A board etc...It only has to happen once for you to realize these hands hit the nuts but rarely give someone else a 2nd best hand, and rarely do you get enough action when you aren't beat to justify the limp in the first place. Obviously if you pride yourself on making big lay downs, and could lay down the 2nd nuts or something of that equivalent by all means play them. If you also are playing with very loose, very passive, calling station fish, by all means play 70%+ of the hands you get dealt. These things rarely happen though...
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