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Old 09-06-2005, 02:29 PM
PokerPaul PokerPaul is offline
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Default How sites should combat BOTS

Reading that wired article about BOTS and how they take over game and collude sounds kind of scary.

However, there was one line in there that was even more scary than anything:

" It didn't take long for the poker sites to catch on and fight back. Within weeks, they were scanning games to see if anyone was running XXXXX, and such users were getting booted off poker sites before they could cash out."

I would never risk my bankroll being confiscated in order for a bot to run my game.

ANYWAYS, here is one counter measure for the sites which i think would work:

In the chat box, run a check maybe once an hour at each table where each player has to type in a response, like a window popping up telling all players to enter JJ45 or some code.

Bots could certainly be built to recognize this, so the sites would have to display it like in a warped view type mode like when you try to signup for a new email account at yahoo and they ask you to type in what code you read in window box.

Don't know if thats too invasive, but at least its a start and i would be willing to do it to protext me from colluding bots
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