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Old 09-03-2005, 05:48 PM
WackityWhiz WackityWhiz is offline
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Default Re: I\'m drunk, horny, and lonely

I could be wrong, but I doubt that your life is really THAT bad that the best solution is for you to die. Life is hard work most of the time and sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and take what it has to offer.

Please stay away from alcohol and gambling as those two things will most likely make you feel even worse and worse as time goes by.

My suggestion (pending on where you live) is to go to a nice private place where you can watch the world. If you have a lake nearby, just go there and sit down and watch what is going on around you. Go to a park and sit down at watch children play, watch people walking/talking with each other. Just get out of your house and experience the world that you would be missing if you just killed yourself.

Obviously we make decisions that affect our lives every day. Suicide is a decision that completely ends it all. There is no "undo" button when it comes to something this serious. It just isn't the right thing for you to do.
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