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Old 09-03-2005, 05:44 PM
fishsauce fishsauce is offline
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Default Re: I\'m drunk, horny, and lonely

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Think about that statement for a few minutes. What are your problems right now? Have they always been there, or are they only recent? If you think hard you will realize that your problems are only temporary: you may be broke, but you haven't always may be a college dropout, but you had the intelligence and work ethic to get to college in the first may not feel close to any friends now, but that is only because you have been close to some before, otherwise you would not know you were not close. You see, all of these things that make you upset and depressed and want to die are temporary, it hasn't always been this way.

Bad things happen to everyone, for reasons both under and beyond their control. Everyone gets a bad run of cards, makes bad plays, and some even suffer huge unbearable downswings for long periods of time. But once you accept the fact that your problems are what they are, and you have the ability to change some of the outcomes, you will see that quitting is not the solution.

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