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Old 09-01-2005, 01:07 AM
David Sklansky David Sklansky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 241
Default Sorry For Yet Another Dog Post

People have been giving resonses to my previous questions that are quite good while showing that I have yet to succeed in my quest for a certain category of question. With those responses in mind I alter the question thusly:

Your acquantaince neighbor will die in about three hours surrounded by his family who have already said their goodbyes. A medicine that will keep him alive for six more hours is available a few blocks away and you volunteer to fetch it. When you get there you are told that to extract the medicine, three ownerless dogs will be put through incredibly intense pain for thirty minutes. The medicine for some reason requires that they be alive and unsedated.

Would you have them go through with the procedure (assuming it won't happen at all if you refuse)? Can you give a reason for your decison that would be persuasive to someone whose gut feeling would be to do the opposite?
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