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Old 08-29-2005, 10:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default What is the right decision?

Not really sure where this post belongs

I'm really in a bind here... I'm expecting my first child in about a month. I have 4 classes left to take to graduate with a bachelors degree at a 4 year university. My friend called me this weekend and said hes leaving for Australia for 9 months and wants to know if Id be interested in taking the vacancy at a construction company that he works at. This job pays $34 an hour. However, I'd need to take the semester off to work there. I have a waitering job that Ill be working at if I dont take a semester off that will lay me about 275-350/wk. With this construction job Ill be 4x that. Plus I wont have any worries about providing for my new child and girlfriend. My plan would be to take this semester off, save up as much as possible with this new job, take a winter course and graduate in the spring.

On the other hand, I can continue with the semester as scheduled, wait tables, and graduate in december.

What would be my best plan

need to edit... Night classes wouldnt get me to graduate in december. I expect 45-50k for an entry level position when I graduate. I have potential jobs, but nothing real promising so far. Also, by splitting up my classload, I will be able to shift to PT student and save probably about 5k in tuition (that 4I'm helping my mom pay for)
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