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Old 08-28-2005, 05:43 AM
Eevee Eevee is offline
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Location: CT
Posts: 130
Default Eevee\'s first OOT post!@#$!@#$

Ok so I'v been making some money from this internet game i like to play sometimes and I am a college student. Just wondering, what are the other college players out there spending their money on? I spend a couple G on school, random expenses...and I have money left over. What should I be spending it on? I figure a car would be a bad investment (although I do want one) since I dont really need one at school. What cool things, or good investments can i make....also must consider the EV of my financial aid going down once i have more tangible assets. Advise please.


PS: this is my first OOT post. Peace.

Current Music: Pink Floyd - Hey You
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