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Old 08-27-2005, 06:41 PM
arkady arkady is offline
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Default Re: Quick question - Learning Rate when playing multiple tables

Thats a damn good point too, I was running at 1.4 for a looooooong time, like almost 100k hands. You can imagine how many 200bb downers I had and overall it was just a very frustrating and unpleasant experience.

By reducing tables one can move up in limits, actually PLAY poker using intelligence rather than robotic responses and quite possibly incease the money intake. I don't know how or where it happened, but everyone just kept adding more and more tables.

Here is the poker life cycle imo.

You go from 1 table to 2 to whatever 4,8 and then you increase the stakes, become smarter and go exactly backwards from 8,4 whatever to 2 and maybe to 1.
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