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Old 08-25-2005, 12:44 PM
shermn27 shermn27 is offline
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Posts: 173
Default Okay Poker Pros...Are you staying healthy?

I've been thinking a lot lately about all the online poker pros out there and I am very concerned for their health. Sitting in a chair and clicking a mouse for 8-10 hours a day for 5-7 days a week certainly is not very healthy.

I want to encourage those who are doing so to analyze themselves and make sure they are spending time on their health.

Here are some recent tips I have picked up regarding health and I think they can help those who find this to be a challenge.

Eating habits - Body Fat Control:
Avoid these five items to reduce/maintain body fat.
1. All Pork Products
2. Products that include Partially Hydrogenated Oils (Look on the ingredients, almost everything on the supermarket shelf has these!) Partially Hydrogenated Oils block bad cholesterol receptors and keep it in your body longer.
3. Fake Sugars (Splenda, Sweet n' Low, & Nutrasweet)
4. High-Fructrose Corn Syrups (HFCs)- This stuff is just fat and is in most junk foods.
5. Junk Foods (This includes Pop, Candy, Potato Chips, & White Bread).

Everyone needs to do some resistance training at least twice a week. This can be as little a push-ups and sit-ups. Also try to do some cardio at least 4 times a weak. The heart is the biggest muslce in your body, make sure it is up to speed. This can include playing a full court basketball game, jogging, a brisk walk, taking several flights of stairs, or swimming.

Posture - When you are playing online poker make sure you are sitting with equal weight on both sides of your bottom and with your shoulder blades back (sort of like a chest puffed out look).

Breathing - Make sure you are taking breaths which fill your lungs (not short breathing). Feel the air reach your stomach.

4-7-8 Breathing - Breath in through your nose for a 4 count, then hold for a 7 count, and then out through your mouth for an 8 count. Do this for about 5-10 minutes a day (or longer) and it can lower your bloodpressure.

Finally, Health is mental too! Try to spend some time during the week meditating and relaxing.

I really hope some people find this to be useful. Take time to re-evaluate your health. After all, it's Your Life!
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