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Old 08-25-2005, 03:28 AM
Acehawk74 Acehawk74 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Lakeland, FL
Posts: 41
Default Re: When should one buy a house?

Not just Living Expenses should be considered. Think of this as Financial Implied odds. As you progress in life, expenses, debts, as well as unknown costs will be incurred. Even if you maintain a healthy 33% ratio of Expenses/Income, you have to consider your debt as well. What happens if you get in an accident? If you are unable to work for even 2 months, your bills will either fall behind to the point where creditors are knocking down your door, or... you will be up to your ears in debt, with medical expenses as well as past due bills. Usually, the case is both happens. I would encourage anyone who is thinking of buying a home to plan accordingly for future possible expenses, debts as well as incidents. Myself personally, am currently finishing up my final year and am about to recieve a Finance Degree. However, my wife and I are not planning on purchasing a house until our debt/income ratio is below 15% (current 31% with student loans - taking a huge chunk out of those over a 2 year period) Also, when i start recieving full time income, that will help. Just another thing to remember and consider... count future expenses into your equation.
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