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Old 08-24-2005, 10:16 PM
DCWGaming DCWGaming is offline
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Posts: 142
Default No-Berating Challenge Results

Just as an update for those who didnt read the original thread. I was a regular berater. I thought there was a strong advantage that came from it, and I got so much flack from people on this boards that I gave it a week (15k hands) and didnt berate once.

And the results -

1) Less typing time for berating means more typing time for AIM.
2) People dont hate me as much
3) Nobody blames me when the fish leave. The fish still leave, but I don't get blamed for it.

1) I ran across very very many less crazy-aggro players than usual. Maybe a coincidence.
2) My Went to SD over the last 15k hands is 2 points lower. I dont know how much this stat varies...I assume not all that much. But it is a result of either people not calling me down as much, or me calling others down less. I am fairly sure the A-high calldowns were less frequent.
3) Didnt get to play donks heads-up. The HU matches are sporatic(sp?) at best anyway, but it is obvious that they will almost never happen when i'm not pissing someone off.

There are probably unseen differences from not berating. But whatever they were, I didnt know what to look for. Perhaps the less A high call downs was a good thing. Maybe my play style works better when people occasionally respect my bet instead of not believing anything I do. I'm not sure.

I still believe that berating at 5/10 and below is effective. I dont believe it is very effective above this level.

Despite my beliefs, I'm giving it up.

I do -eventually- want the respect of the 2+2 community, and being pro-berating at is like being pro-abortion in a catholic church. Despite the fact that there are positive points about each side, there are too many people with a closed ear. To those of you who approached the idea with an open mind - thanks.

Thx all,

Side note - If I do ever start berating again, it will be to spite all you jerk trolls out there who had nothing but insults to contribute even after I decided to give your side a shot. Get a life, trolls.
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