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Old 08-21-2003, 03:49 PM
Zag Zag is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 515
Default Re: NL-Holdem tour situation

I find it extremely unlikely that he would fold AJ or AQ, here. If he folds, it makes him low stack on the table. Also, he knows that you probably put him on a steal, and will reraise with substandard values. He might fold a small or medium pair, but you are only a little behind those hands, so you aren't "earning" much (other than piece of mind) by getting those to fold.

On the other hand, if he is on a steal with something lame, he likely will fold it. Therefore, you are in the position where better hands will call you, but worse hands will not -- never a good time for a raise. In order of preference, I would say:

1. Fold
2. Call, planning to bet all in on the flop, no matter what. You still have enough money to make him throw it away if it misses him. This, I think, would be referred to as having Irish position on him.
3. Raise all in preflop.

(and the first two are very close in my preference)

I suspect I will be in the minority with this opinion, but I really think that, IF you are planning on going all in on this hand anyway, it would be better to do it this way. The big danger is that you hit a hand that he would have thrown away preflop, say A6, which then hits his kicker. I suspect that he might still throw away bottom pair, perhaps even more easily than he would throw away A6s preflop.

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