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Old 08-22-2005, 07:01 PM
Phogster Phogster is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 26
Default Re: what to make of a huge loss

Ok, you can't open a post by saying "This is just flat out wrong." and then say that I'm right in some respects.

What I meant was this:

There's a poverty line in poker. Let's say player X started out his playing career as a novice (mostly likely a fish, as we all do), then got better by experience, books, and discussions. X is now above the poverty line. He's proud, and should be, it took a lot of hard work to get here. X on average tho, worked hard enough to be a winning player, not necessarily world class. This, I think, describes the majority of the readers in this forum.

The poker craze slows down. Less fish are in the sea. Now there are better and better players at X's table. This effectively translates into the poverty line moving up, and X is now below said line, and now is getting fed off of, instead.

There will be good days, but they will be fewer and farther in between. Players at this forum will keep saying that it takes thousands of hands to tell if this is for real. If X depends on playing to pay the rent, he might get in trouble way before that many hands show a trend that tells him that playing poker is -EV.

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