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Old 08-22-2005, 03:08 AM
GrandmaStabone GrandmaStabone is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 518
Default Just got back from a munchie run - whattya think?

Well, school is back and with it comes a fresh wave of quality herb in campuses across the nation. This girl who I have been seeing let my buddy and I borrow her sweet eclipse spyder convertible 5 speed tonight and we drove around smoking joints... beautiful night... Anyways, I got home and had the munchies hard, I just got back from the store - what do you think of this smoke-fueled feast? I am going to eat it right now, updates to come.

6 white castle cheeseburgers

2 bags of funyuns

1 reeses take 5

4 little hersheys with almonds cookies

2 bottles of hersheys chocolate milk

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