Thread: Bans on Travel
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Old 08-15-2003, 03:19 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Bans on Travel

If there was even just a disaster area declared, where the National Guard was called in, I'll bet the penalties for deliberately going into restricted areas could be a lot more severe, and more especially so if the intent is disruptive.

More so, going into a restricted military theater is not like simply going into downtown Chicago carrying a protest sign. Interfering with military operations is and should be considered a much more serious matter. It's dangerous and illegal and can endanger others as well.

Even before the war officially started, we had Special Operations teams in Iraq. Forbidding citizens from going into theaters of military operations can be necessary and prudent.

Did you ever see the movie An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge? During the Civil War, civilians who were found trespassing near certain railroad tracks were subject to summary execution. Security in war areas and during wartime can be very important. Trespassing isn't always just trespassing under all conditions or in all locations.

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